
Hello! my name is
Gregorino Al Josan
Data Science Enthusiast
Currently studying Mathematics at University of Indonesia
Hoping to work in the field of data, preferably as a data scientist or a data analyst.

About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Gregorino Al Josan, or normally called just Rino. I am a mathematic student who aspire to become either a data analyst or a data scientist.

I have a great passion to learn various technologies especially those that involve handling data. I am also familiar with web development, mainly for the backend side.

Currently, I am pursuing my bachelor degree in math in Universitas Indonesia.


Skills that I have picked up and either confident or familiar in


  • Programming Languages
    • Python
    • JavaScript
    • SQL
  • Libraries/Frameworks
    • Pandas
    • Numpy
    • Matplotlib
    • Tensorflow
    • Keras
    • Django
  • Tools
    • Git/GitHub
    • Google Docs
    • Microsoft Word, PowerPoint


  • Web Scraping
  • End-to-End Data Science/Analysis Project
  • Some bits of Machine Learning
  • Some bits of Deep Learning


I have done various projects on data analysis, data science, and web development

Data Science
Player-based Football Match Prediction

Predict football match result given players and their positions. Data are scrapped from fbref via python script ran after each gameweek.

Data Science
Bone Age Analysis using Deep Learning

Analyzing the impact of gender information in predicting bone age using CNN with transfer learning.

Web Development
Quiz Application

CS50 Capstone Project. Implemented with Django as backend/server, JavaScript for some functionalities, and Bootstrap for visual stuffs.

Data Science
Multi-Class Sentiment Analysis of Indonesian Texts

Analyze sentiment of texts in Bahasa Indonesia using IndoBERT and hybrid deep learning. Dataset was manually labeled by 4 people.

Data Analysis
Bike-Share Analysis

Analyzing bike-share data as a guided capstone project of Google Data Analytics certification using Python and Power BI.

smol projects

some smaller scale projects that I did

Data Analysis
Phylogenetic Analysis of Human and Quadruped Animals

Analyzing relationship between human and quadruped animals. Done with R.

Data Science
Bone Age Assessment Deployment with Flask

Assess bone age with MobileNet. Deployed with Flask.

Data Science
Indonesian Text Sentiment Analysis Deployment with Flask

Using Flask to deploy sentiment analysis model using IndoBERT-LSTM-CNN.


Articles, Blogs, Papers...

Comparative Analysis of Bone Age Assessment Techniques using Hand X-ray Images and Gender Feature


2022 5th International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI)

Paper about analyzing the impact of gender information on assessing bone using CNN with transfer learning techniques.

Certification Paper


Conference, Workshop

Comparative Analysis of Bone Age Assessment Techniques


8th International Symposium on Current Progress in Mathematics and Sciences

Presented an abstract resulted from class project. The idea was then made into a paper.

Math Creativity 2 - Machine Learning with Python


Department of Mathematics Universitas Indonesia

Chosen as a speaker for workshop about machine learning with Python. Taught each step of data science workflow from data collection to modelling.

Poster Certification Code Slides

Course Certifications


I realize that course certifications won't get one that far, but I put them here to show that at least I have familiarity regarding the fields these course certifications belong to. I by no means say that I am an expert since I probably forgot most of the things I learnt to earn the certifications.

"Holy sh*t there are so many.."

Yeah sorry. Either my luck didn't get me to internship opportunities, I was just too lazy to keep finding more, or my inner introvert consciousness forced me to just be a nerd and learn things online while coping by kept telling myself that these certifications could help me compete with people who have internship experiences even though these were basically (almost) useless if I didn't do something meaningful after finishing these (such as doing projects). Probably just me, though.

Interests & Dislikes

I don't mind discussing these

My interests include: data-related things, technologies, sports (read: football), and randomly watching some YouTube vids recommended to me. Also a weeb, probably you can call me that, but I mainly dig light novel contents. Well, ANYWAY.

I can offer some helps regarding Machine Learning projects. Like giving basic concepts or what to learn/to know. Maybe.

Or if you just want to ask or discuss about something, you can ask me at Twitter. I often active there. Also facebook, but mostly just for memes.

Probably my little experiences could help you :)

But don't expect me on these

First I am not fond of frontend stuffs. That also goes with anything visual like designer jobs, etc. So expect me to not be proficient at them.

Also, I am not really into finance stuffs like actuarial, insurance, and banking. Skip me on those things. Yes, I did pursued math. Yes, many of my friends in college pursue/seek jobs within those fields. I don't.


I am usually pretty active on Twitter, so that's where you can talk to me the easiest. But you can also email me here.